Why Reading Business Books Won’t Save Your Business.

2 min readJun 17, 2023

Consider the analogy of trying to fit a square shape into an oval hole. We all have different shapes, sizes, and perspectives. The advice can help you become aware of various aspects, but you must adapt it to your unique circumstances. Many people struggle with this, often failing to implement strategies they read about, even when they’re dealing with numerous life challenges.

The strategies found in books aren’t there to provide a cheat sheet for life or business, but rather to raise your consciousness and make you aware of the various possibilities. We all have different journeys, stories, directions in life, perspectives, and environments. What you observe working for others might not work for you.

Steve Jobs once said, “No one can tell you how to innovate. You can’t go to the library and find a book titled The Business Model for Animation,” Steve Jobs explained. “The reason you can’t is that there’s only been one company [Disney] that’s ever done it well, and they were not interested in telling the world how lucrative it was.”

One of the most powerful ways to improve decision-making is to develop the ability to recognize patterns. This involves noticing recurring themes or trends in your experiences, behaviors, and outcomes. By recognizing these patterns, you can identify what works and what doesn’t…

