I’ve read 5 books on Marcus Aurelius, Here are the 9 lessons you can learn from him.

16 min readMar 6, 2022

What can you learn from an emperor 1800 years back?

We’ve heard about 1000s of emperors, so what makes him unique?

When we imagine an emperor in our minds, we normally see a strong man with no flaws, who exudes pride and power, and who has the ideal shape, stature, and wisdom. Maybe that’s how each and every emperor is depicted. No, any emperor talked about their weaknesses openly.

But, despite his wealth, intellect, and power, Marcus Aurelius had some flaws, which he overcame by following specific ideas, and teachings, and learning from several teachers. Recognizing that pride can blind a person, he kept a journal for himself to keep track of his morals and teachings from his mentors. As a result, he gradually overcomes his flaws.

We know as we go through life, we make several mistakes and fall into the trap of our pride to make decisions that are out of our ethics. Here are the 9 things you can learn from the ethics of the emperor, 1800 years back.

Learn to Accept Criticism

“Whenever you are about to find fault with someone, ask yourself the following question: What fault of mine most nearly…

