A good book or post can be hugely satisfying or even can change the world in you, can teach you about things beyond your daily horizons and can create characters so vivid you feel as if your really known them. Reading is highly enjoyable, you have a good resources.
Set time
You should have a few set times during every day when you’ll read for at least 10–20 minutes. These are time that you’ll read no matter what triggers that happen each day.
Always carry a resources
Wherever you go, take a book or resources with you. If there is a time when you have to wait (like at a doctor’s office or a the DMV), whip your book and read.
Make a list
Keep a list of all the great books you want to read. You can keep this in your journal, in a pocket notebook, on your personal homepage, or on your browser’s bookmark. Be sure to add the list whenever you hear about a good book, online or in person.
Start slow and be consistent
It’s not right to finish a book or a chapter and be lost with your life. If you can’t focus on book, start small with 5 pages or 10 pages a day, and be consistent. Track your habit of reading a book until you make it a habit.
Start early in the morning
If you’re not able to manage any time, try to start early in the morning. You’re fully energized and not busy at the morning.
Setup your environment
It’s not alright to be in distracted place, a sudden buzz or a call from your friend or even phone can make you distracted. While reading a sentence when we’re distracted we loose the visualization with the text, switching context we have reread again.
Reduce Television/Internet
Reading requires a lot of attention and focus which is hard to build. We don’t want to get a random meme or movie clips while we’re engaging with the book, we’ll loose our attention on the book.
Don’t try to finish a book in short time
It’s okay to take your time to read a book, don’t set yourself a goal to finish a book in a short period, which can cause you to skim the book without gaining any knowledge just to finish the book on time.
Plan ahead
Plan ahead, which books to read. And what to read next, before buying or planning check the reviews or summary of the book (unheard ones). Ending up with bad book can decrease your dopamine level.
You need understand the principles of everyday things around you.
Learn the same thing from Business perspective to Engineer perspective, Philosopher perspective to Scientist perspective.
Start by reading these models. Fill your mind with these 100 mental models. Start reading these models.
Mental models are the most important ideas of each science: philosophy, mathematics, physics, statistics, engineering, chemistry, biology, psychology, economics and history.
You need to know and connect them.
These models do not tell you what you think, rather they teach you how to think, and encourage you to think critically.
Check here: 100 Mental Models
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