If you’re highly Self-Aware. You can objectively:
- evaluate yourself
- manage your emotions
- align your behavior with your values
- understand how others perceive you.
Be curious about who you are
To be self-aware, a person needs to be curious about themselves. Our minds and bodies are territories for which we yet need road maps.
Every person has some roads they do not wish to take, and some roads they feel are worth exploring.
Let your walls down
When we see something we don’t immediately like in ourselves.
Our first reaction could be to defend ourselves from it, which is why self-awareness is so challenging.
Try to let go of judgment and the instinctual urge to protect yourself.
Keep a journal and note what triggers positive feelings
As you are journaling, pay attention to your day.
Ask yourself how you feel.
A track about your roots of negative feelings, and plan to avoid them.
Substitute some screens time with “Reflecting”
Sometimes to observe ourselves:
• we need to walk to nature or
• have a rational thought about ourselves.
Practice Meditation
Meditation increases the ability to perceive the self in a more healthy way.
Regular meditation enables our minds to be aware of our surroundings and our thoughts.
Look in the mirror (Have a small talk)
Looking into the mirror as a meditation tool can increase your self-awareness.
By looking in the mirror you will learn to track your attention and emotions
Gain new insights into how your thoughts are affecting them in real-time
- Be curious about who you are
- Let your walls down
- Keep a journal of your journey
- Reflect your actions
- Meditate
- Have a self-talk
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